Filters, Directives & Mixins
βFilters, Directives & Mixins, each of them have their own folder. In the folder there's located an index.js, _globals.js file and your βFilters, Directives & Mixins. Index.js is for indexing all the filters, directives, mixins. Globals file is for register Filters, Directives and mixins globally.
βββ πfilters
β βββ _globals.js
β βββ {my-filter}.js
β βββ index.js
βββ πdirectives
β βββ _globals.js
β βββ {my-directive}.js
β βββ index.js
βββ πmixins
β βββ _globals.js
β βββ {my-mixin}.js
β βββ index.js
Adding a filter/directive/mixin to a component
You can simply import your filter/directive/mixin in your component file and add it to the filters/directives/mixins object in the Vue Javascript. This is pure Vue, this doesn't require other libraries.
import { myFilter, myOtherFilter } from '@/filters';
import { myDirective, myOtherDirective } from '@/directives';
import { myMixin, myOtherMixin } from '@/mixins';
export default {
name: 'My Component',
data() {
return {
message: 'Hello world!'
filters: {
directives: {
mixins: {
Register a filter/directive/mixin globally
In the _globals.js
you can add add filters/directives/mixins to the global object. Make sure that the import module is also added to the filters/directives/mixins object.
import Vue from 'vue';
import {
} from '.';
* Register filters globally
* */
const filters = {
Object.keys(filters).forEach(key => Vue.filter(key, filters[key]));
Watch out registering Mixins Globally, by making Mixins globally it will add the mixin data to each Vue Component Node. Read Vue Documentation.
Generate Filters, Directives & Mixins using the Generator CLI
If you using the structure generator you can generate filters, directives and mixins bij running the generator. You can give a name, and choose if you want to have the filter/directive/mixin globally. It will automatically generate:
- a empty filter/directive/mixin
- the import in the index file
- optional: register it globally.
For more info check the Generator Guide.